Oliveraie dans les Alpilles par un après-midi chaud et ensoleillé. Des milliers de petites fleurs blanches se cachent dans les feuillages argentés prêts à éclore. L'olivier est inséparable de la Provence et de la méditerranée, arbre de paix et toujours plus beau et plus sage avec les années, il est aimé pour son huile dorée et ses fruits préparés selon différentes recettes. Compagnon des errances dans la campagne provençale et des Alpilles.
Olive grove in the Alpilles by a heat and sunny afternoon. Thousands of small white flowers hide in the silver plated foliages ready to hatch. The olive-tree is inseparable from Provence and the Mediterranean regions, tree of peace and always more beautiful and wiser with the years, it's liked for his gilded oil and his fruits prepared according to various receipts. Companion of the wanders in the countryside of Provence and the Alpilles.
Olive grove in the Alpilles by a heat and sunny afternoon. Thousands of small white flowers hide in the silver plated foliages ready to hatch. The olive-tree is inseparable from Provence and the Mediterranean regions, tree of peace and always more beautiful and wiser with the years, it's liked for his gilded oil and his fruits prepared according to various receipts. Companion of the wanders in the countryside of Provence and the Alpilles.
1 commentaire:
Une jolie photo avec de belles couleurs pastelles.
Perle de Rosée.
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