La très belle et délicate exposition Altera Rosa dans la cour du Palais des Papes. Des dizaines de roses créées pour le plus grand plaisir des yeux, éblouissantes de beauté et toutes séduisantes, nous invitant à l'ivresse de leurs parfums enfouis joliment sous leurs pétales. De nombreuses créations des plus grands rosiéristes à découvrir dans cet endroit au charme indéniable et prégnant. Des offertes à notre curiosité, rares et attirantes, belles et mystérieuses, prêtes à nous conquérir.
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The very beautiful and delicate exposure Altera Rosa in the court of the Palais des Papes. Tens of roses created for the greatest pleasure of the eyes, dazzling beauty and all tempting, inviting us to the intoxication of their perfumes hidden nicely under their petals. Many creations of the largest rosierists to be discovered in this place with the charm undeniable and present. Offered to our curiosity, rare and attracting, beautiful and mysterious, ready to conquer us.
Other photos on Flickr.
D'autres photos sur le site de Flickr.
The very beautiful and delicate exposure Altera Rosa in the court of the Palais des Papes. Tens of roses created for the greatest pleasure of the eyes, dazzling beauty and all tempting, inviting us to the intoxication of their perfumes hidden nicely under their petals. Many creations of the largest rosierists to be discovered in this place with the charm undeniable and present. Offered to our curiosity, rare and attracting, beautiful and mysterious, ready to conquer us.
Other photos on Flickr.
1 commentaire:
Interesting and beautiful!
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