La France et l'Europe organisaient aujourd'hui "la Nuit des Musées", invitant tout le monde à venir se perdre dans le dédale des expositions et des oeuvres d'art. Bonne ambiance dans la ville en ce début de nuit vibrante et abandonnée aux rêveurs. Mélange de culture et de vie nocturne semée d'étoiles et d'envies de voir sous un autre jour, les oeuvres qu'on aime.
Voir plus de photos sur le site de Flickr.
All the museums were open this evening, attracting many publics, traversing in the sweet night the places who tell the stories of the city. On the photograph above, we can see those who benefit of the sight on the impressive "Palais des Papes" (except field on the photograph, at the right side) to have diner in terrace and those who walk towards the "Petit Palais" to discover the richnesses of the Italian painting's collection.
France and Europe organized today “the Night of the Museums”, inviting everyone to come to lose himself in the maze of the exposures and the works of art. Good ambient in the city at this beginning of the night vibrating and lose itself to the dreamers. Blend of culture and night life sown of stars and desires to see under an other day, works of art we enjoy.
View more photos on Flickr.
2 commentaires:
That's great isn't it? I have been to the Rotterdam museum night a couple of months ago and it was really cool. Overhere it attracted a much younger audience than usual.
Museums at night, what a good idea. I checked and our museum stays open until 8pm one night a week. I think we can learn from your example.
Your "barge on the Rhone" from May 19th is very good. I especially like water.
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