Ce chef-d'oeuvre fut restauré récemment et appartient à la fabuleuse collection du Musée Calvet. Elle fut découverte sur l'île de Mélos puis achetée par des collectionneurs passionnés par l'art de l'antiquité grecque.
Chest of Apollon Sauroctone, “Apollo, guettor of snake”. This splendid sculpture is a copy of an original work of the great and famous Greek master Praxiteles who would represent him supported by a tree holding a lizard in the hand. We can discover it and admire it in the marvellous small museum devoted to antiquity, the Musée Lapidaire, in the presentation "la Gréce Retrouvée".
This masterpiece was restored recently and belongs to the fabulous collection of the Calvet Museum. It was discovered on the island of Mélos then bought by collectors impassioned by the art of Greek antiquity.
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