Le beau et parfumé Magnolia en fleur, aux embruns délicat et doux que les promeneurs du Square Agricol Perdiguier aiment humer tranquillement loin de la rumeur étourdissante de la ville.
The beautyful and perfumed Magnolia tree in flower who the the Square Agricol Perdiguier walkers like smelling quietly far from the busy and noisy city.
2 commentaires:
quel odeur qui nous chante les narines...
Hello and congratulations for the beautiful photos.
I was in Avignon last November, I loved it and taken many photos. You want them???
Send me a mail ovelikios@gmail.com to tell me where to send them so you can publish them here.
Also, please visit athensdailyphoto.blogspot.com for the daily photo blog of Athens, Greece.
Thank you very much
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