On pourrait s'imaginer au moyen-âge, en route vers la glorieuse cité habitée par le souverain pontife, mais l'époque contemporaine est rappelée par les chemins de fer et de câbles, qui relient les hommes entre eux. Un paysage où se mêlent chaleur, les eaux languides du fleuve, les couleurs fauves des herbes hautes et les reflets dorés de la ville qui se rapprochent. Fascinant et étourdissant, beauté surgissant du désert.
On the road, between Avignon in Vaucluse and Aramon in Gard, separed by the broad Rhone. This way skirts the river, on the dam who borders it. With far, appearing like a mirage above these hotty stones beaten by the afternoon heat, the city of Avignon appears. We recognizes the architectural mass of the Palais des Papes and the bell-tower of Notre Dame des Doms, drawn up in the incandescent air. Further still, at same the misty bottom of the blue sky, the gigantic and guardian Mount Ventoux, culminating to 1912 m and dominating all the Provence.
We could think we are in the Middle Ages, on the way towards the glorious city inhabited by the sovereign pontiff, but the contemporary time is recalled by the cable and railroads, who connect the men between them. A landscape where mix heat, water languides of the river, the colors deer of high grasses and the gilded reflections of the city who approach. Fascinating and dazing, beauty emerging of the desert.
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