Belle façade d'un ancien Hôtel particulier devenu une école. Quelque part dans la petite rue des Ortolans, dans Avignon intra-muros. Que se cachait-il autrefois derrière ces fenêtres ?, qui y vivait ? Ruelles sombres qui égarent tous visiteurs non initiés aux périples urbains de la vieille ville.
Beautiful frontage of an old Private mansion become a school. Somewhere in the rue des Ortolans in intramural Avignon. What did it hide formerly behind these windows ?, who lived there ? Dark lanes who mislay all visitors not initiated with the urban tours of the old city.
Beautiful frontage of an old Private mansion become a school. Somewhere in the rue des Ortolans in intramural Avignon. What did it hide formerly behind these windows ?, who lived there ? Dark lanes who mislay all visitors not initiated with the urban tours of the old city.
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