L'ombre et surtout la fraîcheur sont très recherchées ces jours-ci ! Ici le petit passage qui relie la place de Jerusalem à la rue Thiers. À gauche, on peut distinguer la façade de la synagogue d'Avignon. À travers ce passage, on se faufile dans un entremêlement de rues piétonnes, quartier commerçant très fréquenté. Par ce temps de canicule, rares sont ceux qui se promènent en plein Soleil. Les théâtres qui sont climatisés offrent un répit agréable aux journées torrides. Brûlant Soleil d'été étouffant les festivaliers et visiteurs venus du monde entier.
The shade and especially freshness are very required these days ! Here the small passage who connects the place de Jerusalem to the rue Thiers. On the left, we can distinguish the Avignon synagogue frontage. Through this passage, we threads in an intermingling of malls, shopping area very attended. By this time of heat wave, rare are those who walk under the Sun. The theatres who are air-conditioned offer a pleasant respite to the torrid days. Burning Sun of summer choking the festival ones and visitors come from the whole world.
The shade and especially freshness are very required these days ! Here the small passage who connects the place de Jerusalem to the rue Thiers. On the left, we can distinguish the Avignon synagogue frontage. Through this passage, we threads in an intermingling of malls, shopping area very attended. By this time of heat wave, rare are those who walk under the Sun. The theatres who are air-conditioned offer a pleasant respite to the torrid days. Burning Sun of summer choking the festival ones and visitors come from the whole world.
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